FightInMirai - 击剑插件
- release 下载
- 在config/tech.eritquearcus.fight/config.yml中修改配置(如果没有就启动一次mcl然后关闭)
# 触发条件, 现在支持:At/Nudge = 戳一戳/Both = At + nudge triggerType: Both # 附加字符, 比如是 {xxx, xx}, 那`@11 xxx`和`@11 xx`就会触发, nudge情况下无效 triggers: - 击剑 # 反应, Mute = 禁言/ Kick = 踢出/ Admin = 提升成管理员 / NameCard = 更改成名片列表中随机一个 reaction: NameCard # 禁言时间, 当reaction == Mute时生效, 单位ms muteTime: 10 # NormalRespond, 如果RespondType == Normal就在结束后发送, {winat} 和 {loseat}会被自动替换成@赢的人和@输的人, {usrat} 被替换成@发起人, 如果存在多个值就回复随机一个 respond: - '{usrat}{winat}aa' # 随机群名片列表 nameCards: - a - b # 如果对bot发起,就对对方实现reaction然后回复本项,替换规则同NormalRespond respondWhenTargetIsBot: - '{usrat}...' # 回复类型, Normal = 回复respond其中一个 / SuccessOrFail = 如果发起人成功就回复successResponds中一个否则就failResponds respondType: SuccessOrFail # 如果respondType = SuccessOrFail时候, 发起人成功时发送, 替换规则同NormalRespond successResponds: - '{usrat}S' # 如果respondType = SuccessOrFail时候, 发起人失败时发送,替换规则同NormalRespond failResponds: - 'F' # 如果reaction是踢出, 踢出信息为随机其中一条 kickMessages: - 'k'
Copyright (C) 2022-2022 Eritque arcus and contributors. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version(in your opinion). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
@ArbETaperingsky 邮箱这方面我没怎么了解过
@Nambers 快了解了解😊
@dudu 目前不能,你可以试一下能不能加载多个插件达到这个目的,不过我没试过不知道会不会冲突
@Nambers 谢谢,试过了不行
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@ArbETaperingsky 你可以使用testmail生成rss使用rss转发