@CCYellowStar 这边无法复现bug,是每次开启全局模式都会这样吗?
@Koreyoshi 在 ChatLearning——让bot学会你的群聊(附带文字转换语音) 中说:
@angelina-9730 建议用notepad++编辑,并且使用utf-8编码
直接保存的话是保存成一个带 bom 的 UTF-8
去掉 BOM 就 OK 了 -
@Koreyoshi 一开就炸,然后config文件被清空,必须把东西填回来才能好
@CCYellowStar 在release下载的config文件替换一下试试,我试了很多次没有复现bug,我下次尽量修复它
This post is deleted! -
@池鱼思故渊 目前2.7.0以前版本更新到新版本存在一些问题,正在修复
@池鱼思故渊 重新下载最新版本即可解决
@Koreyoshi 欧克,谢谢佬
@黑糖五块 mcl下面那串红字是报错吗?尝试换一个端口
@Koreyoshi 是slf4j和log的报错 呃啊
@Koreyoshi !
有该字样的 还是不行
@黑糖五块 mcl和chatlearning都是在同一台机器上吗?qq这个选项得是bot的qq号,另外要先登录mcl,再打开chatlearning
@Koreyoshi 我是按您这样说的方法操作的 但是一直行不通 麻烦大佬了T_T
@黑糖五块 你可以加我QQ,我远程帮你试一下,1121917292
@hadesmercy 苹果客户端好像没法看mirai的转发消息
一用fastdelete就闪退,这是错误信息。ChatLearning ->fastdelete
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "asyncio\", line 258, in __step
File "prompt_toolkit\application\", line 1066, in _poll_output_size
File "asyncio\", line 654, in sleep
File "asyncio\", line 284, in await
File "asyncio\", line 328, in __wakeup
File "asyncio\", line 196, in result
asyncio.exceptions.CancelledErrorDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "prompt_toolkit\application\", line 1047, in cancel_and_wait_for_background_tasks
File "asyncio\", line 284, in await
File "asyncio\", line 328, in __wakeup
File "asyncio\", line 196, in result
asyncio.exceptions.CancelledErrorDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1875, in <module>
File "", line 81, in run_until_complete
File "asyncio\", line 201, in result
File "asyncio\", line 258, in __step
File "", line 1749, in getcommand_tui
File "", line 1832, in commandchoice
File "", line 433, in SetFastDeleteAdmin
TypeError: eval() arg 1 must be a string, bytes or code object
[9780] Failed to execute script 'Chatmain' due to unhandled exception!