详细来说就是我想搞明白,哪些权限是对于全员安装就有的,哪些是需要add的,我以为base permission就是这样,但是实测并不是,一下子给我搞不明白了

*:* The root permission |- com.kasukusakura.mlss:* The base permission |- console:* The parent of any built-in commands | |- console:command.autoLogin 自动登录设置 | |- console:command.help 查看指令帮助 | |- console:command.login 登录一个账号 | |- console:command.logout 登出一个账号 | |- console:command.permission 管理权限 | |- console:command.status 获取 Mirai Console 运行状态 | |- console:command.stop 关闭 Mirai Console |- io.github.samarium150.mirai.plugin.mirai-console-drift-bottle:* | | `- The base permission | |- io.github.samarium150.mirai.plugin.mirai-console-drift-bottle:command.comment | | | `- 评论漂流瓶 | |- io.github.samarium150.mirai.plugin.mirai-console-drift-bottle:command.jump-into | | | `- 查看有多少物体在海中 | |- io.github.samarium150.mirai.plugin.mirai-console-drift-bottle:command.pickup | | | `- 捡起漂流瓶 | |- io.github.samarium150.mirai.plugin.mirai-console-drift-bottle:command.sea | | | `- 漂流瓶操作复合指令 | |- io.github.samarium150.mirai.plugin.mirai-console-drift-bottle:command.throw-away | | | `- 丢出漂流瓶 |- net.mamoe.mirai-api-http:* The base permission |- net.mamoe.mirai.console.chat-command:* The base permission |- net.msktmi.keyword-remind:* The base permission | |- net.msktmi.keyword-remind:command.keywordcommand | | | `- no description available |- org.alerhughes.plugin-voodoo:* The base permission | |- org.alerhughes.plugin-voodoo:command.sb 自虐禁言 | |- org.alerhughes.plugin-voodoo:command.vdds 易经卦象 | |- org.alerhughes.plugin-voodoo:command.vdluck | | | `- 今日运势 | |- org.alerhughes.plugin-voodoo:command.vdtarot | | | `- 塔罗牌占卜 | |- org.alerhughes.plugin-voodoo:command.大赦天下 大赦天下 | |- org.alerhughes.plugin-voodoo:command.天罚 随机禁言 |- org.itxtech.mcl.addon:* The base permission | |- org.itxtech.mcl.addon:command.mcl 调用 MCL 命令行 | |- org.itxtech.mcl.addon:command.mclx 用于调用 MCL 的高级命令 |- top.mrxiaom.qsign:* The base permission | |- top.mrxiaom.qsign:command.qsign 更改签名服务版本 |- top.mrxiaom.wifeyouwant:* The base permission | |- top.mrxiaom.wifeyouwant:command.wifeyouwant | | | `- 变态渣男插件 |- top.mrxiaom.wifeyouwant:check.all 使用老婆列表命令 |- top.mrxiaom.wifeyouwant:check.group 使用群老婆列表命令 |- top.mrxiaom.wifeyouwant:use 使用抽老婆/换老婆命令 |- xmmt.dituon.petpet:* The base permission |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.fix-protocol-version:* The base permission | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.fix-protocol-version:command.protocol | | | `- FixProtocolVersionCommand |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:* The base permission | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:command.bot | | | `- BOT处理相关操作 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:command.contact | | | `- 联系人处理相关操作 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:command.friend | | | `- 查看当前的好友 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:command.group | | | `- 群处理相关操作 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:command.recall | | | `- 撤回消息 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:command.registered | | | `- 查看已注册指令及服务 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:command.send | | | `- 发送消息或者戳一戳 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:command.timer | | | `- 定时器相关指令 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:comment.include | | | `- 拥有此权限可以给机器人留言 | |- xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-administrator:online.include | | | `- 发送上线通知